250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party Congou Loose Tea Commemorative Tin

250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party Congou Loose Tea Commemorative Tin


250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party Congou - 3oz Loose Tea in Commemorative Tea Tin

As we celebrate the remarkable 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, we reflect upon the pivotal event that shaped the course of American history and reverberates through time. In 1773, a courageous group of colonists, disenchanted by unjust taxation and determined to assert their autonomy, took a bold stand against British oppression. Led by a spirit of unity and resilience, they defiantly boarded British ships laden with precious tea and symbolically cast the cargo into the waters of Boston Harbor.

This audacious act of protest, known as the Boston Tea Party, ignited the flames of revolution and ignited the fervor of a young nation's fight for liberty. Oliver Pluff, a historical tea company rooted in this rich legacy, commemorates this milestone by honoring the indomitable spirit of those who dared to challenge the status quo, reminding us that every cup of tea holds within it the essence of freedom, courage, and the pursuit of justice.

Description: Grown in Southern China, Congou is one of the last of its kind, one of the great historical teas of China from its trading days.  The word Congou refers to a tea made with highest mastery or careful skill to produce thin, light strips without breaking the leaves.  The resulting toasty black tea is smooth and sweet with the flavor of unsweetened baked apples.

Ingredients: Black tea leaves

Size/Type: 3oz loose tea sealed in matte black commemorative tin

Shelf Life: 3 Years

Hand Packaged by Oliver Pluff & Co. in Charleston, South Carolina